CIP Call 2013/2014 - 1st Training Week

The latest training programme on Cluster Excellence Management has started

The first week of the new Train-the-Trainers programme started last Monday in Barcelona in support of the European Commission's CIP Call 2013: "Towards World-Class Clusters, Promoting Cluster Excellence".

42 participants from across Europe completed the first intensive week of a nine-month training programme in Cluster Excellence Management. 

During the week participants, representing 15 regions in 10 countries, were introduced to the concept of Cluster Excellence Management and its methodology. They were given to examine cases studies from European regions as well as from other international business communities. The programme, which combines 6 weeks of in-class training with a hands-on, practical experience in developing a regional Cluster Initiative, was developed under the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI) with co-funding from the European Commission.

On successful completion of the training in February 2015, participants will qualify as Associate Trainers. This will enable them to run Cluster Management training courses in their regions, using the Cluster Excellence methodology and material, while receiving support from the Foundation throughout the process.

Most participants from the previous programme (CIP Call 2011), successfully embarked cluster agents of their respective regions onto Cluster Management Excellence trainings.